COMIC CITY SPARK 14 will be held on 13 and 14 th Oct! I start to accept the orders.
This is Doujin Event, if you are fan of Doujinshi, please order!
They are the list of COMIC CITY SPARK 14
- COMIC CITY SPARK 14 -day1- オールジャンル
- プリ★コン 12 うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪
- brilliant days 21 あんさんぶるスターズ!
- └ YOU IS ME! 3 遊木真×瀬名泉プチ
- └ 月日向の幼なじみ 4 朔間凛月×衣更真緒プチ
- 第24次ROOT 4 to 5 Fateシリーズ
- TOP OF THE STAGE 18 アイドリッシュセブン
- └ 君とTonight 十龍之介 中心プチ
- └ 手つなぎささやく二人の約束 六弥ナギ×二階堂大和プチ
- └ 天と陸の交じる場所 九条天×七瀬陸プチ
- 気焔万丈 月華2019 戦国・三国無双シリーズ
- 戦煌! 秋百夜 2019 戦国BASARA
- 閃華の刻 火華2019 刀剣乱舞
- └ ムーンライト鶴ナーデ 9 三日月宗近×鶴丸国永プチ
- └ 君は罪つくり 6 燭台切光忠×大倶利伽羅プチ
- └ 紅一点 10 女審神者中心プチ
- └ 主様といっしょ。 10 人外・男審神者中心プチ
- └ 恋も喧嘩も江戸の華 7 和泉守兼定×陸奥守吉行プチ
- 全空の覇者 11 グランブルーファンタジー
- 法廷で逢おう 8 逆転裁判
- MIRACLE FESTIV@L!! 17 アイドルマスターSideM
- スパイのお仕事 7 ジョーカー・ゲーム
- 星々のオラトリオ 2 銀河英雄伝説
- COMIC CITY SPARK 14 -day2- オールジャンル
- └ あれ俺のマブ 新星玲央×阿久津真武プチ
- かぶき町大花火大会 2019 銀魂
- ザ・ワールド 19 ジョジョの奇妙な冒険
- └ BUBBLE BATON 4 ジョセフ×シーザープチ
- └ クレイジーフォォォユー 3 東方仗助受プチ
- └ プラチナムFlower 7 承太郎×花京院プチ
- └ 叛乱のオメルタ 4 5部オールプチ
- 俺のターンVS★2019 遊戯王シリーズ
- 復活祭・改 9 家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN!
- 妖言 3 呪術廻戦
- BLOODY ZONE 14 血界戦線
- 秘密の裏稼業 15 コナン・まじ快
- 第25回壁外調査博 進撃の巨人
- └ ゴロツキ兵士の手懐け方 5 エルヴィン×リヴァイプチ
- 世界中のChu!! 10 擬人化ヘタリア
- └ べいえいおー!! 3 アメリカ×イギリスプチ
- └ 星空☆あいらんど 3 イギリス×日本プチ
- CrazyLyricBattle 5 ヒプノシスマイク
- FULL CODE 8 コードギアス
- ザ・ヒーローショウ 14 TIGER&BUNNY
- 家宝は寝て松 SPARK2019 おそ松さん
- └ いいから好きだと言っちまえ! 7 カラ松×一松プチ
- └ 三次元なカンケイ チョロ松×カラ松プチ
- └ 兄貴といっしょに 7 おそ松×カラ松プチ
- 聖闘士同人大系 5 聖闘士星矢
- 横皆中の音 2 ツルネ
- 氷奏ストラースチ 17 ユーリ!!!
- └ はじめてのともだち 5 ユーリ&オタベックプチ
- └ 僕のVictory 6 勇利×ヴィクトルプチ
- 武装演舞 5 鎧伝サムライトルーパー
- G魂 7 ガンダム
- └ フリージア・ロード 三日月×オルガプチ
Some customers don’t follow notes despite that they read and understand notes. I don’t accept their orders.
Please subscribe to a news letter before you make an order! Unscribers can’t make an order!
How to order
Please e-mail me
when you’d like to order. And please write the password “CCS14”.
My email address : or
Please tell me the following
- Your name :
- Your shipping address :
- Your paypal address :
- item name :
- Circle name :
- Circle website :
- Circle booth number :
You will receive an estimate email
I will tell you the details and how much you will pay the advane payment and the expected handling charge.
Make an advance payment
If you can accept, please pay the advance payment via paypal or Western union. When you send money, please inform me!
The Result
I will tell you the result after 15th Oct, not on 15th Oct.
Choose the mode of shipping
Please choose the mode of shipment.
Make a rest of payment
Please pay the handling charge and the international shipping charge.
Tracking number of your package
You can receive the tracking number from Japan post office.
Handling Charge
Doujinshi or item : 750 yen~/1 circle
Waiting charge : 2000 yen / 1 hour
* If I visit the same circle more than twice, you need to pay more than 2000yen as the handling charge.
Paypal or Western Union
Act now – email me today at or and…
- I can accept a FREE Consultation and Cost Quatation.
- If you are lucky, you will get the freebie.
- If I can’t buy any items, you don’t need to pay any handling charge.
Unfortunately, I can’t accept the orders from such customers:
- Minors
- Customers who don’t read my blog. I won’t answer if you ask me a question which I have already mentioned in my blog and I will judge you don’t read my blog and cancel your order.
- Stingy person
- Other Japanese or foreign porxy service
- Fowarding address service users
- Someone that causes trouble
- Person who complain to me about the result or condition of items (almost all Doujinshis and items are not packed and event places are so crowded. It is possible that they are damaged little. If you care for the quality of Doujinshis and items, I recommend no ordering)
I give priority to the returning customers. But the more you use my service, your priority level will be higher.
- Customers who give me circle tickets
- Customers who are my newsletter members long time and frequently use my service.
- Customers who are my newsletter members and have used my service.
- People who are news letter members
About priority
- I will visit the circles which 1-4 people order earlier.
- I will accept additional orders from only 1-4 people.
- I will give 1-4 people freebies as priority
- I will ship the items for 1-4 people as priority.