TOKYO FES Oct.2022 will be held on 16th Oct! I start to accept the orders.
They are event list of TOKYO FES Oct.2022!
- DC RETURNS 32 黒子のバスケ
- 妖言 15 呪術廻戦
- └ 半径140m外の執着点 2 両面宿儺×伏黒恵 プチ
- └ 呪転じて恋となす 2 夢主人公(女)受プチ
- └ なんて素敵にじゃがバター 五条悟×七海建人プチ
- 日輪鬼譚 23 鬼滅の刃
- └ もうぜんぶ、 6 宇髄天元×我妻善逸プチ
- └ 凪いでゆれる風車 3 冨岡義勇×不死川実弥プチ
- └ 日々鍛錬! 3 竈門炭治郎×煉獄杏寿郎プチ
- └ 幻想千夜 2 あさぎりゲン×石神千空プチ
- かぶき町大集会 12 銀魂
- └ いぬのえさとねこのえさ 土方十四郎×坂田銀時プチ
- └ 明日ありと思う瞳の仇桜 坂田銀時×高杉晋助プチ
- 黄金暗号 18 ゴールデンカムイ
- └ 月夜に恋の投げキッス 3 月島基×鯉登音之進プチ
- └ 幽閉の山猫 2 花沢勇作×尾形百之助プチ
- └ 百の傷痕、一の銃弾 2 尾形百之助×杉元佐一プチ
- TOKYO罹破維武 8 東京卍リベンジャーズ
- └ 此処から始まる青春 3 九井一×乾青宗プチ
- └ ペアでヤングなオレたちは 松野千冬×場地圭介プチ
- └ 半端ないくらいキスさせて 半間修二×稀咲鉄太プチ
- 全開ケイデンス 29 弱虫ペダル
- CrazyLyricBattle 21 ヒプノシスマイク
- └ 宙を彷徨う愛の囁き 碧棺左馬刻×白膠木簓プチ
- └ 十字路の恋 入間銃兎×山田二郎プチ
- └ 一夜の空想 天国獄×波羅夷空却プチ
- 家宝は寝て松 33 おそ松さん
- └ 本日お兄ちゃん休息日 11 カラ松×おそ松プチ
- └ 1/3の遅速な感情 9 おそ松×チョロ松プチ
- 忍FES. 25 忍たま
- 戦煌! 15 戦国BASARA
- 閃華の刻 38 刀剣乱舞
- └ ムーンライト鶴ナーデ 16 三日月宗近×鶴丸国永プチ
- └ 蜜に浸かりて藤は咲く 15 燭台切光忠×へし切長谷部プチ
- └ 龍に嫁入らせ候へ 15 大倶利伽羅×燭台切光忠プチ
- └ 恋も喧嘩も江戸の華 12 和泉守兼定×陸奥守吉行プチ
- └ 藍の瞳に写る君 4 山姥切長義×山姥切国広プチ
- └ 問答無用 8 御手杵×同田貫正国プチ
- └ さだめし川に燃ゆ 10 和泉守兼定×堀川国広プチ
- └ いごっそう魂 2 文久土佐組中心プチ
- Beckon of the Mirror 14 ツイステッドワンダーランド
- └ 甘くて辛い恋心 3 トレイ×ケイトプチ
- └ 王子たるもの 3 マレウス×レオナプチ
- └ 従者と主人を超えた先 3 ジャミル×カリムプチ
- └ 気まぐれキノコハンティング 3 フロイド×ジェイドプチ
- └ 無邪気な恋の取引フロイド×アズールプチ
- brilliant days 34 あんさんぶるスターズ!
- └ ネガポジスキンシップ 6 高峯翠×守沢千秋プチ
- └ かわいい弟には恋をさせよ 3 天城燐音×天城一彩プチ
- to infinity 7 なろう系
Some customers don’t follow notes despite that they read and understand notes. I don’t accept their orders.
Please subscribe to a news letter before you make an order! Unscribers can’t make an order! And if you have twitter account, please follow @mt3745_JSAS, if you don’t have twitter account, please check my tweet, too. I tweet important information.
How to order
Please e-mail me
when you’d like to order. And please write the password “TFO2022”.
My email address :
If you have special requests for shipping, payment and others, please ask me when you make an order, because I am troubled by the customers who don’t tell me these kinds of important things in advance.
I try my upmost to respond within 48 hours, but my reply is late when I am so busy.
Please read the page of “Basic Order” and “TERMS OF USE“, too.
Please tell me the following
- Your name (full name) :
- Your shipping address :
- Your phone number
- Your paypal address :
- item name :
- Circle name :
- Circle website :
- Circle booth number :
You will receive an estimate email
I will tell you the details and how much you will pay the advane payment and the expected handling charge.
Make an advance payment
If you can accept, please pay the advance payment via paypal. When you send money, please inform me!
The Result
I will tell you the result after 17th Oct, not on 17th Oct.
Choose the mode of shipping
Please choose the mode of shipment.
Make a rest of payment
Please pay the handling charge and the international shipping charge.
Tracking number of your package
You can receive the tracking number from Japan post office.
Handling Charge
Doujinshi or item : 750 yen~/1 circle
Waiting charge : 2000 yen / 1 hour
* If I visit the same circle more than twice, you need to pay more than 2000yen as the handling charge.
Paypal only
Act now – email me today at and…
- I can accept a FREE Consultation and Cost Quatation.
- If you are lucky, you will get the freebie.
- If I can’t buy any items, you don’t need to pay any handling charge.
Unfortunately, I can’t accept the orders from such customers:
- Minors
- Customers who don’t read my blog. I won’t answer if you ask me a question which I have already mentioned in my blog and I will judge you don’t read my blog and cancel your order.
- Stingy person
- Other Japanese or foreign porxy service
- Fowarding address service users
- Someone that causes trouble
- Person who complain to me about the result or condition of items (almost all Doujinshis and items are not packed and event places are so crowded. It is possible that they are damaged little. If you care for the quality of Doujinshis and items, I recommend no ordering)
I give priority to the returning customers. But the more you use my service, your priority level will be higher.
- Customers who give me circle tickets
- Customers who are my newsletter members long time and frequently use my service.
- Customers who are my newsletter members and have used my service.
- People who are news letter members
About priority
- I will visit the circles which 1-4 people order earlier.
- I will accept additional orders from only 1-4 people.
- I will give 1-4 people freebies as priority
- I will ship the items for 1-4 people as priority.
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